General Instructions:
Using your textbook and lecture notes along with Canvas module resources including films and power points, thoughtfully respond to my question and another student’s question and support your answer with numerous and specific examples. Include information from each resource and make use of at least one primary source and one film. Write in paragraph form and include an introduction, body, and conclusion. Pay attention to Packback’s instant feedback as you write. You will also create your own question. Your question, like mine, must deal with that specific week’s chapter (and for a 13-week or 7-week class it can be multiple chapters!) and your question, like mine, will involve themes, ideas, events, etc., from the chapter’s text, films, or primary sources and you may modify a textbook question to create your own question.
Some questions to consider when analyzing any primary source or document:
· 1) Who wrote this document, when, and where?
· 2) What type of document is this?
· 3) Who is the intended audience of the document?
· 4) What are the main points of this document?
· 5) Why was this document written?
· 6) What does this document reveal about the particular society and period in question?
Let me know if you have any questions.
Packback Questions:
Participation is a requirement for this course, and the Packback Questions platform will be used for online discussion about class topics. Packback Questions is an online community where you can be fearlessly curious and ask open-ended questions to build on top of what we are covering in class and relate topics to real-world applications.
Packback Requirements:
Your participation on Packback will count toward 15% of your overall course grade.
There will be a Sunday at 11:59PM EST deadline for each of the fifteen submissions (due every week for each chapter for 15-week classes or multiple chapters due every week for 13- and 7-week classes). Submit your question first, from Monday to Wednesday before each deadline and then submit your two responses (one to my and one to another’s question) from Wednesday to Sunday, the deadline date. For each answer, include information from at least 1 primary source and 1 required film with your answer—also make use of and reference (or quote from) your textbook and class notes. Packback does not accept late work (beyond the final deadline for each assignment). Submit the following for each of the deadlines:
1 Open-ended Question (Ask a New Question) with a minimum Curiosity Score of 45. Submit Monday-Wednesday before the due date. (Do not answer your own question.)
2 Responses (Add Response) with a minimum Curiosity Score of 45. Respond to my question and one other student’s question. Submit Wednesday-Sunday.
Google Chrome is recommended for Packback. Safari error messages are likely caused by cookies and LTI integration. Google Chrome is recommended.
How to Register on Packback:
Note: Only access Packback through Canvas in order to ensure your grades sync properly
1. Click the Packback assignment link within Canvas to access the community
2. Follow the instructions on your screen to finish your registration.
3. In order for your grade to be visible in Canvas, make sure to click each Packback assignment link as you post your Packback submissions.
How to Get Help from the Packback Team:
If you have any questions or concerns about Packback throughout the semester, please read their FAQ at help.packback.co . If you need more help, contact their customer support team directly at help@packback.co.
For a brief introduction to Packback Questions and why we are using it in class, watch this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OV7QmikrD68