Write and submit an Outline of your final research paper.
Submission Instructions:
Consult the Online Writing Lab (OWL) at Purdue University for guidance on how to write an Outline.
Include all of the following components: Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Thesis Statement, Methodology, Limitations, Body, Conclusion, References).
Include some text in each component (not just empty headings like “Methodology” with no text).
Use proper outline structure (e.g., I, a, b, c; II, a, b, c; III, a, b, c).
The outline is to be up to two (2) pages in length.
The paper is to be written clearly and concisely, and students will lose points for improper grammar, syntax, punctuation, and spelling.
Worker Satisfaction and Organizational Performance: A Study of Amazon’s Work Conditions and Ethics in the United States
Thesis Statement:
Throughout the United States, Amazon workers can expect long hours, low pay, no benefits, and unethical behavior towards them. This paper will describe the scenarios of conflicts, the impacts of conflicts, the potential resolutions, and recommendations concerning conflicts between employees and the management.
The invention of e- retailing has come with a mass urge in procurement that has increased the expansion of Amazon. The broad international integration with cultural differences of workers has levied a high rate of ambiguity in workers’ governance. The current working conditions in relation to Amazon’s middle and low workers are not ethically permissible. According to the U.S. department of labor, Amazon has been found to expose workers to inhumane working conditions and not valuably compensated for their work. Throughout the United States, Amazon workers can expect long hours, low pay, no benefits, and unethical behavior towards them. This paper will describe the scenarios of conflicts, the impacts of conflicts, the potential resolutions, and recommendations concerning conflicts between employees and the management.