Women’s Rights for/against Abortion – and your position on the issue
Synthesis Essay Instructions English 1301: Professor Venza
Rhetorical Context:
• Purpose: Using Chapter 13 of the Allyn & Bacon Guide to Writing, write a Synthesis Essay which analyzes and synthesizes two articles with opposite answers to a question on the same topic you’ve explored in your last two essays OR another one of your choice. You will find both opposing articles in the Opposing Viewpoints database. Be sure the two articles you choose have opposite views on the same issue within your broad topic.
• Audience for this assignment: Educated adults who are not familiar with this problem or who have not read the articles you will explore. Do not use you or we.
• Genre: MLA formatted essay
Sections of Essay: Content of Sections
Title Select a creative, relevant phrase. Your title cannot be the synthesis question. Need help? Refer to pp. 444-445.
Paragraph 1
4-5 sentences: Identify the question and hook readers. Need help? Refer to pp 455-462.
• Why does this topic interest you?
• Summarize what you learned in your Exploratory Essay.
• Ask the synthesis question on this topic.
Paragraph 2
Source #1
6-7 sentences
Summarize the first reading. Need help? Refer to pp. 90.
• Provide a transitional device. Need help? Refer to pp. 455-462.
• Mention the author and title. The first time you mention an author, use full first and last name; after that, use last name only.
• Identify the purpose (main idea) and supporting points only.
• Remain objective and neutral. No personal opinions.
• Mostly use your own words, but include 2-3 brief (4-5 words) quotes and add attributive tags for quotes and paraphrases. Need help? Refer to p. 89.
Paragraph 3
Source #2
6-7 sentences Summarize the second reading.
• Provide a transitional device.
• Mention the author and title. The first time you mention an author, use full first and last name; after that, use last name only.
• Identify the purpose (main idea) and supporting points only.
• Remain objective and neutral. No personal opinions.
• Mostly use your own words, but include 2-3 brief (4-5 words) quotes and add attributive tags for quotes and paraphrases. Need help? Refer to p. 89.
Paragraph 4
4-6 sentences
Introduce a surprising thesis. Need help? Refer to pp 301-302.
• Begin and/or end with a transitional device.
• Present your thesis. To help you, here is a thesis template; however, be sure to use the actual titles/authors of the articles, NOT “Article #1” or “Author #2.”
Author #1’s negative approach and Author #2’s positive approach on the topic of _________ are contradictory; however, both have helped me understand why __________ is complicated and changed/did not change my view of ___________.
Please do NOT copy this template word for word.
Paragraph 5
Ideas Critique
6-7 sentences
Evaluate each article’s ideas: Need help? Refer to p. 295.
• Begin and/or end a transitional device.
• What contradictions you see in the two authors’ purposes and ideas?
• Imagine: how Author #1 would respond to Author #2? Be sure to use the actual authors’ names, NOT “Author #1” or “Author #2.”
• What kind of support does each use: facts, examples, statistics, research studies, personal experiences?
• Do you find one author’s perspective more valid, accurate, interesting, convincing or useful than the other’s? Explain your answer.
• Which author do you find most trustworthy? Explain your answer.
Paragraph 6
6-7 sentences
Develop your current feelings about the synthesis question. Need help? Refer to p. 299.
• Begin and/or end with a transitional device
• What do you agree and disagree with in these articles?
• What new questions do these articles raise for you?
• What new insights have you gained?
• What would you like to add to the conversation?
Paragraph 7
3-4 sentences Validate your discussion
• How have these articles changed/not changed your views?
• What new ideas do you now want to explore?
• Leave readers thinking about a new perspective.
MLA Format
Format your essay in MLA document style Need help? See pp. 405-414.
• In-text citations and attributive tags. Need help? See pp. 564-566
• Works Cited page listing the source. Need help? See Opposing Viewpoints “Citation Tools” in
the right margin.