As an advanced practice nurse, you will likely experience patient encounters with complex comorbidities. For example, consider a female patient who is pregnant who also presents with hypertension, diabetes, and has a recent tuberculosis infection. How might the underlying pathophysiology of these conditions affect the pharmacotherapeutics you might recommend to help address your patient’s health needs? What education strategies might you recommend for ensuring positive patient health outcomes?
For this Discussion, you will be assigned a patient case study and will consider how to address the patient’s current drug therapy plans. You will then suggest recommendations on how to revise these drug therapy plans to ensure effective, safe, and quality patient care for positive patient health outcomes
To Prepare:
· Review the Resources for this module and reflect on the different health needs and body systems presented.
· Your Instructor will assign you a complex case study to focus on for this Discussion.
· Consider how you will practice critical decision making for prescribing appropriate drugs and treatment to address the complex patient health needs in the patient case study you selected.
· Post a brief description of your patient’s health needs from the patient case study you assigned. Be specific. Then, explain the type of treatment regimen you would recommend for treating your patient, including the choice or pharmacotherapeutics you would recommend and explain why. Be sure to justify your response. Explain a patient education strategy you might recommend for assisting your patient with the management of their health needs. Be specific and provide examples.
Pharmacology and the Immunological Disorders: Improvements in Medication and Drug Administrations
· Nurse Manager, Bette Nunn discusses how technology has improved the practice of administering drugs and created new and improved drug therapies. The importance of using technology as well as a patient’s knowledge of their own drug history is also discussed.
Roberts, H., & Hickey, M. (2016). Managing the menopause: An update Links to an external site. . Maturitas, 86(2016), 53–58. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.maturitas.2016.01.007
· Speed Pharmacology. (2018). Pharmacology – Antibiotics – Cell wall & membrane inhibitors (Made Easy)Links to an external site. [Video]. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mMk6VWVpRpo&t=504s
Note: This media program is approximately 16 minutes.
· Speed Pharmacology. (2018). Pharmacology – Antibiotics – DNA, RNA, folic acid, protein synthesis inhibitors (Made Easy)Links to an external site. [Video]. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5HQmvQJWzNY&t=32s
Note: This media program is approximately 16 minutes.