The paper should be 2-3 pages, typed; double-spaced; with one inch margins all around. You must identify the source(s) you use to write your paper, whenever you rely on the ideas, words, and insights of other scholars. If you are using MLA format in this paper, put your “Works Cited” section, with full bibliography for any sources you use in writing this paper, at the end of the paper; give in-text citations in the body of your paper as needed [for example: (Zophy 30)]. You must include a Works Cited section at the end of the paper to provide full information about the in-text citations in your paper. Historians prefer Chicago style to indicate your sources. If you use Chicago style, put your references in endnotes at the end of the paper. What was Joan of Arc’s role in The Hundred Years’ War? This paper relies on Zophy, Short History, ch. 3: “An Age of Disasters”; and Medieval Sourcebook: “The Trial of Joan of Arc, 1431,” in the Assignments folder on Blackboard. The paper has to begin by giving some background on this war—briefly. The main focus of the paper is on Joan of Arc—including her own testimony at her trial about what motivated her to take part in this war. What was her significance to the French effort in this war?