There are a number of factors that affect house prices positively or negatively. This assignment requires you to analyse the factors that are affecting house prices in your suburb/LGA. As a broader guide to get you thinking, these factors could be related to economy, demographics, amenities related, supply of new housing related and government policies related. In this assignment you would ignore government policies. The economy related factors usually affect demand side of housing. For example strong growth in Gross Domestic Product in an indicator of growing income and prosperity and could influence house prices positively. Worsening unemployment rate, implying more proportion of labour force is out of job market, has negative impact on property prices. Interest rates also impact house prices. Rise in interest rate implies housing loans have become expensive. This reduces the demand for housing and prices would expectedly fall. Other factors could be analysed in same way. What we need from you for this assignment is Inforgraph containing 8 graphs. One graph should convey one message. What you need to do is to identify 8 factors that you think are major drivers of house prices in your suburb. For each of these factors draw a graph and put them all in a nice Infograph. All eight graphs should convey the story of house prices in your suburb. The Inforgraph should be on a single A3 page. You must submit the electronic version of Inforgraph as Turnitin Assignment on the LMS. Please note that each graph is equivalent to 125 words, so the information should be rich. Wherever possible, use data for more than one time period to form the graph. For example, absolute population in 2016 in your suburb does not convey much information but population growth trend in your suburb conveys interesting factor affecting demand for housing. If you present growth in population over time, that would be an excellent demand factor. Same applies to other factors as well. In addition, each graph should have a clear title and one sentence on message that it is conveying. For example, “Strong population growth has contributed to house prices increase”. While population growth is “positive statement”, its impact on house prices is “normative statement” based on your analysis. We are looking forward to you being able to make those normative statements.