In your module 1 research journal, you identified a research question that you would like to explore this semester. For this journal, you will learn how to research your topic and explore what scholars have written about your topic. Before you begin your journal, carefully review the information in the Research, Write and Cite Guide.
My Research Question: What are some of the effects of mono-parental families on children? (How does single parenting affect a child’s development)?
This research journal has two components:
Identify at least ten secondary articles (non-scholarly articles will not be counted). For guidance review: “How do I find a scholarly or peer-reviewed articles?” Create an annotated bibliography (in APA style – see Research, Write and Cite Guide) containing the following criteria.
Main purpose or argument or point of view
Methods used, key conclusions or findings, and basis in evidence and/or logic
Why this is a scholarly article
Summary Content
Identify and describe three key ideas that have emerged from your research.
As you review your sources, compare and contrast their ideas and topics. Identify three themes that have emerged from your annotated bibliography. Briefly describe these (the suggested length is a paragraph for each idea). These three themes will be the foundation for the literature review that you will write for your final research proposal.
Check to ensure that you have checked your work for grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Cite all references used in APA style. Please refer to the Research, Write and Cite Guide. You can review how your research journal entries will be evaluated by going to the Expectations for Written Assignments page.