Paper details
Wayne Grudem argues that demonic activity is basically the same throughout the history of redemption.
Selected Answer:
Incorrect a. true
a. true
Correct b. false
Wayne Grudem thinks that angels are created beings with bodies like ourselves.
Selected Answer:
Incorrect a. True
a. True
Correct b. False
Wayne Grudem allows for angels to visit people today but he warns that we should not receive guidance from
them unless it can be backed up in Scripture.
Selected Answer:
Incorrect b. False
Correct a. True
b. False
Wayne Grudem allows for angels to visit people today but he warns that we should not receive guidance from
them unless it can be backed up in Scripture.
Selected Answer:
Incorrect b. False
Correct a. True
b. False
When does Wayne Grudem argue that there was a fall in the angelic world?
Selected Answer:
Incorrect b. Just prior to Genesis 6 where it describes the fall of angels prior to the Flood.
a. Prior to Genesis 1:1.
b. Just prior to Genesis 6 where it describes the fall of angels prior to the Flood.
Correct c. Between Genesis 1:31 and Genesis 3:1.
d. On the third day of creation
Wayne Grudem argues that sin and evil come from:
Selected Answer:
Incorrect d. All of the above.
a. Humans entirely.
b. Demons entirely.
Correct c. Both humans and demons.
d. All of the above