The reаdіngs this week identify аnd exрlоre innovation in an organisational context. Specifically, you should first identify the key issues in innovation, then look to assess CAS principles and practices arising from the examination of innovation, and finally briefly comment on the place of Soft Systems Methodology (SSM) in looking at innovation. Your explorations of innovation in an organisational context. The workplace problem is complexity of teams the complexity can undermine communications, leadership, motivations, organizational behavior and performance more so if the managers fail to institutionalize the concept of system thinking among the members (Stacey, 3011, p. 28). Therefore, the diversity of the teams possesses a dire challenge with a capacity of limiting the entire performance of an organization. Critically evaluates key arguments from both a scholarly and a practitioneroriented point of view; Critiques underlying assumptions evident in the articles and identifies any new insights for practice and scholarship; extends the thinking and application of your review with additional resources and experiential analyses. Please add introduction, heading and subheading and Conclusion. Citation and References year 2000 and up See attached Needs further development is more analysis and support from the literature. It is important to show good understanding and reflections of the literature throughout your writing. Adding a few practical examples or cases within the literature will help your analysis be more practical. You start your CAL report in your introduction where you are addressing the importance of your workplace problem, which is addressing workplace problems. Although you give an interesting background and you are emphasizing the importance of the problem using references to the literature, it would be nice to associate the problem also more explicitly to your workplace environment. What is special in your workplace environment that made you select this problem? In the next section you continue identifying examples and situations that result in problems for managers in their everyday work. You then discuss the importance and give general guidelines on how to address the issues. You are using your own words to present your ideas and you integrate and prioritize the presented issues in a natural and smooth manner. You need to explicitly associate this process to the knowledge creation process in a more detailed manner. Some information as for example what paradigm you adopted in orders to address the problem, and how you as a manager have experienced these workplace problem, would have improved the quality of your work. Add Introduction, heading and subheading and Conclusion. Year 2000 and up citation and references.