Please take notes of these comments. Incorporate this to an essay paper.
“You should explain what happened more clearly. You don’t mention anything about the prostitute that he was involved with which I think is an important part of the story. ”
“There are many other factors that contributed to his illness such as a severe case of depression brought on by the guilt he felt for his brother having to support him, and the fact that he considered himself a failure due to no one buying any of his paintings.”
“What you have here is just the beginning. I don’t see a description of the painting. You seem to focus on van Gogh’s hospitalization which is fine, but try to build the rest of your paper with more information about the painting itself, and the aspects about the artist that helps us to understand why the painting looks the way that it does.”
Museum: Museum of Modern Art
Art: The Starry Night
Artist: Vincent Van Gogh
In the Museum of Modern Art of New York City, there is a very beautiful yet interesting piece. It goes by the name “The Starry Night” By a Dutch post-impressionist painter, Vincent Van Gogh. The great masterpiece is an abstract oil painted on canvas and was created in Saint Remy, France in Mid-June 1889. This beautiful piece is a landscape displaying a small town, late evening in mid-November before its first snow of the year. blues, with yellows and whites for the moon and stars in the sky. There is a large, dark silhouette of a cathedral in black on the left side of the painting. Very visible you see the bright crescent moon with whirling cool clouds and shining stars. When looking at this piece I get a very calm and reassuring feeling. The color combination of the smooth cool tones, with accents of vivid blue flowing along the rhythm of the swirls in the sky. There are contrasts of vertical and horizontal lines. There is a contrast of calm city at the bottom of the piece with a strong wind that shows madness in the eyes of other but can also bring some tranquility My favorite part of this art piece has to be the feeling of positivity and relaxation you get from just glanding. Coming in contact with this painting fills you with ease, it’s so therapeutic. This is clearly based on perspective in which you can be between imagination or observed directly but enhanced.
Vincent van Gogh was known as “crazy” and suffered with mental health issues throughout his life. Later on, in his life he was admitted to a hospital, “Vincent ended up in the hospital in Arles, where he was treated by Dr Félix Rey, the assistant physician. Rey believed that Van Gogh was suffering from a form of epilepsy brought on in part by too much coffee and alcohol and too little food.” (VanFoghMuseum.nl). Van Gogh was known for taking an extraordinary measure after a fight with his friend, the French artist Paul Gauguin. “Suffering from severe depression, cuts off the lower part of his left ear with a razor while staying in Arles, France” (A&E Television Networks). Which resulted in his admission to the Asylum. This all occurred about year before the painting of “Starry Night” and not much longer before Van Gogh’s death in 1890. Throughout history he was infamously known as a crazy artist. Van Gogh was committed to a mental health asylum in Arles, France after the ear incident with Gauguin. Some people actually say Van Gogh painted “Starry Night” while in the mental hospital and that the landscape in the painting is the view Van Gogh had from his window.
Vincent Van Gogh’s art was during the Post-Impressionism era. On this time post-impressionists painted outside their studio to capture the light using expression of color. Van Gogh’s The Starry night is actually from his imagination. He made this piece by using what he sees through is bedroom window in the asylum and using his imagination. “Because he was not allowed to paint in his bedroom, he painted the scene from memory or possibly drawings and used his imagination for the small village that did not actually exist” (Zelazko,5).Van Gogh managed to communicate his energy, his emotions
in his admission to the Asylum. This all occurred about year before the painting of “Starry Night” and not much longer before Van Gogh’s death in 1890. Throughout history he was infamously known as a crazy artist. Van Gogh was committed to a mental health asylum in Arles, France after the ear incident with Gauguin. Some people actually say Van Gogh painted “Starry Night” while in the mental hospital and that the landscape in the painting is the view Van Gogh had from his window.
Vincent Van Gogh’s art was during the Post-Impressionism era. On this time post-impressionists painted outside their studio to capture the light using expression of color. Van Gogh’s The Starry night is actually from his imagination. He made this piece by using what he sees through is bedroom window in the asylum and using his imagination. “Because he was not allowed to paint in his bedroom, he painted the scene from memory or possibly drawings and used his imagination for the small village that did not actually exist” (Zelazko,5).Van Gogh managed to communicate his energy, his emotions and his creativity.
Van Gogh was known as an expressionist artist and “Starry nights” is a great representation to his expressionism through his art. “Starry nights” demonstrates his emotive state, through his expressionistic swirls. The technique he used for this painting was Impasto. He created this painting using oil paint on a canvas.
Work Cited:
“On the Verge of Insanity.” On the Verge of Insanity – Van Gogh Museum, www.vangoghmuseum.nl/en/stories/on-the-verge-of-insanity#0.
“Vincent Van Gogh Chops Off His Ear.” History.com, A&E Television Networks, 24 Nov. 2009, www.history.com/this-day-in-history/van-gogh-chops-off-ear.
Zelazko, Alicja. “The Starry Night.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., 17 June 2019, www.britannica.com/topic/The-Starry-Night.