This paper assignment serves as practice for how the final course paper must be written and formatted and how it must look. This constitutes the first step in preparing for the final course paper.
Write a one to three-page (500-700 words) reflection on what you think personality is about as a result of the Week 1, Chapter 1 Video Lecture “Understanding Yourself”, the Week 1 class discussion and the Week 2 reading of Chapter 1, Understanding Yourself and Others.
Create the paper in the “APA Interactive Paper Template Including Reference Section” loaded on your computer.
Address the following 4 points.
What personality is.
Where personality can be seen.
The relationship between the person and the situation in influencing behavior.
The major topics in personality which you are most interested in learning about and why.
Note: Put each of these under one of the 4 “Put Subtitle Here” sections of the APA template.
For the abstract in the template indicate the paper will do the 4 things above (name them).
Cite the textbook within the paper when using information from it. Use APA citing style.
For help with the APA citing style, if needed, see the following, Taylor, D. (2017, May 4). In-Text Citations Made Easy. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LbyJdMz-Ato.
Complete the reference section with the sources you cite. Complete it in APA style.
For help with completing the reference section, if needed, see the following, Jones, B., & Hurley, G. (2012, September 10). Purdue OWL: APA Formatting: Reference List Basics. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HpAOi8-WUY4.
The word count does not include the abstract or the references.