Choose a primate behavior topic. It should be a relatively specific topic so you can more easily pull together the different sources in your analysis – but not so specific that you cannot find sources. Some suggested topics to start with are listed at the end of this sheet. Your topic must be primatological, but it can be situated outside of biological anthropology. You are encouraged to choose a primate behavior topic that relates to your major or your major interests (this may not be possible if your major is outside of Liberal Arts). The topic you choose will likely change a bit while you do your research – this is fine and expected. Please make sure I approve your topic before your finalize your bibliography. Research your topic. Find and read MANY DIFFERENT SOURCES about your topic. This will help you narrow down which 5 you want to use. Do not pick the first 5 you find. Pick the best 5 that suit your needs. Your sources must be from peerreviewed scholarly sources and should be reporting on original research (i.e., not a summary of someone else’s work). Examples of peer reviewed scholarly sources include professional journal articles (see list below), articles from edited volumes, and books written for a professional audience by the person(s) doing the research. You should find your sources using the Library website. Note that many sources may not have the name of your topic in their title. Be creative with the words you use in searching for relevant sources. Once you have chosen your 5 articles, write a 1page review of each one in which you discuss the key point(s). It should be clear from your review why you chose that specific source. Give the full bibliographic information of each source above the 1page review of it. After writing your 1 page reviews (these are the annotated part of your bibliography), write a 23 page analysis of your topic according to the sources. Your analysis should be in the form of a literature review; a discussion of the topic where you cite each of your sources. Your analysis should not be a regurgitation of the 1 page summaries, although there will obviously be some overlap. Your analysis instead should focus on your topic and should weave references to the sources throughout. Your 23 page analysis should appear at the end of your 1page reviews. We will talk more about this in class. Some suggested topics (they may need further narrowing down) • Conflict resolution behaviors in a given species or group of species • Play behavior in juveniles (narrow down to age group or species, etc.) • Female or male dominance hierarchies in a given species or group of species • Activity rhythm comparisons (1 species, multiple disparate sites) • Are diurnal (or nocturnal) primates strictly diurnal (or nocturnal)? • Human/primate interactions (various topics here) • Food sharing behavior in a given species or group of species • Mixed species communities (various topics here) For referencing American Journal of Physical Anthropology (AJPA) Citation Style FOR BOOKS (with one or more authors, but not edited books): Author’s last name initials. Date of publication. Title of book in lower case. Place of publication: publisher. Examples: Byers SN. 2002. Introduction to forensic anthropology: a textbook. Boston: Allyn and Bacon. Hildebrand M. 1988. Analysis of vertebrate structure. New York: John Wiley and Sons. Moynihan M. 1976a. The New World primates: adaptive radiation and the evolution of social behavior, languages and intelligence. Princeton: Princeton University Press. Sussman RW. 2000. Primate ecology and social structure, vol. 2: New World monkeys. Needham
Heights: Maryland. FOR ARTICLES IN EDITED BOOKS OR VOLUMES: Article author’s last name, initials. Date of pub. Article title. “In:” followed by book editors last names and initials, followed by, “editors”. Title of book. Place of publication: Publisher. Page range of article. Examples: Garber PA. 1984. Use of habitat and positional behavior in a Neotropical primate Saguinus oedipus. In: Rodman PS, Cant JGH, editors. Adaptations for foraging in nonhuman primates. New York: Columbia University Press. p 112133. Grand TI. 1990. The functional anatomy of body mass. In: Damuth J, MacFadden BJ, editors. Body size in mammalian paleobiology: estimation and biological implications. New York: Cambridge University Press. p 3947. Kay RF, Meldrum DJ. 1996. A new small platyrrhine and the phyletic position of Callitrichinae. In: Kay RF, Madden RH, Cifelli RL, Flynn JJ, editors. Vertebrate paleontology in the Neotropics: the Miocene fauna of La Venta Colombia. Washington D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press. p. 435458. Roberts D. 1974. Structure and function of the primate scapula. In: Jenkins FA. Jr., editor. Primate locomotion. New York: Academic Press. p 171200. FOR ARTICLES IN JOURNALS: Author last name, initials. Date of pub. Article title. Journal it is published in volume #:page range. Examples: Dagosto M. 1985. The distal tibia of primates with special reference to the Omomyidae. Int J Primatol 6: 4575. NOTE: article title is not capitalized except for first word; journal name is abbreviated International Journal of Primateology is now Int J Primatol ; volume # is italicized. Additional examples: Bock WJ. 1988. The nature of explanations in morphology. Amer Zool 28: 205215. Fleagle JG, Conroy GC, Simons EL. 1975. Ape limb bone from the Oligocene of Egypt. Science 189: 135137. Garber PA. 1984b. Proposed nutritional importance of plant exudates in the diet of the Panamanian tamarin, Saguinus oedipus geoffroyi. Int J Primatol 5: 115. IN TEXT CITATION When writing, you must give the original author(s) credit for every idea of his/hers you use or refer to. This means that giving one citation at the end of a paragraph full of a writer’s many ideas is not enough; you should acknowledge each of the ideas with a citation. To cite (acknowledge) a source in your writing, use the author’s last name followed by the date: (Davis, 2003). No page number is needed unless it is a direct quote (and note that I strongly discourage use of direct quotes). Most citations will come directly after the idea you are crediting them with, such as: Recent work on tamarin anatomy have shown species level distinctions (Davis, 2003). OR Davis’ (2003) work showed species level distinctions in tamarin anatomy If there are two authors, use both their names: The data were reanalyzed and found to have additional import (Gonzales and Katembe, 1999) or Han and Wittsand (1999) suggest the data need to be reanalyzed using the new methodology. If there are three or more authors, use only the first author’s name, followed by “et. al.”: So for a 2004 article by Collier, Ramos, and Dunphy, you would put: “Collier, et. al., 2004”, but in the bibliography, ALL names must be given (see above under “Additional Examples”).