UNIT THREE INTRODUCTION In this unit of study, you will begin to formulate your own theology of ministry and validate from the Holy Writ the nature and purpose of your calling. Stan Toler’s Practical Guide for Pastoral Ministry will help us along that road by addressing matters of personal concern in the pastor’s life – his ministry, from pastoral care to recruiting volunteers and caring for others. Our lecture for the unit, “The Philosophy of Ministry,” will guide you in your efforts to develop your own philosophy of ministry, providing guidelines for culling error and gleaning truth. The threaded discussion for this unit will provide a platform for “testing” your insights in dialogue. The readings and conversation engaged in this unit of study will be invaluable to your future quest for fruitful returns on your diligent efforts to be successful in ministry. UNIT THREE RESOURCES ? Textbook: Practical Guide for Pastoral Ministry ? Textbook: The Pentecostal Pastor: A Mandate for the 21st Century ? 3.1a PDF: The Philosophy of Ministry Lecture UNIT THREE ASSIGNMENTS 3.1 TEXT/MEDIA: TEXTBOOKS; PDF INTRODUCTION AND ALIGNMENT See Unit Three Introduction above. RESOURCES ? Textbook: Practical Guide for Pastoral Ministry ? Textbook: The Pentecostal Pastor: A Mandate for the 21st Century ? 3.1a PDF: The Philosophy of Ministry Lecture BACKGROUND INFORMATION None INSTRUCTIONS 1. Read Part 3 in Practical Guide for Pastoral Ministry. 2. Read Unit 5 from The Pentecostal Pastor. 3. Read “The Philosophy of Ministry” lecture. 3.2 THREADED DISCUSSION: MY PHILOSOPHY OF MINISTRY INTRODUCTION AND ALIGNMENT Could you possibly throw together a 35 page Philosophy of Ministry paper? In a single sitting? Perhaps…if you are well thought out about your calling and ministry aspirations and hopes. However, if it’s thrown together, it will most likely tell—and your instructor will know! No, God’s calling in your life, the love of family, the joy of serving, your career on the line is more deserving than that! Your conscience will not allow you to throw this one together. Pastors, preachers know it’s easier to preach an hour than to do a 30second radio ad; easier to teach our endless tidbits of wisdom and insights than to refine a pointed, wellstructured 10minute lecture or report…and really say something substantive and significant.
In this discussion, you should “flesh it out!” Talk it through with your peers. Be specific. Be challenging. Be radical if you must. But concretize what’s in your heart! Bring it up and think it through. Then, when you write your reflection paper next week, you should filter what you’ve gleaned, enunciate what you’ve learned, and say what you truly mean about your ministry! RESOURCES ? Textbook: Practical Guide for Pastoral Ministry ? Textbook: The Pentecostal Pastor: A Mandate for the 21st Century ? 3.1a PDF: The Philosophy of Ministry Lecture BACKGROUND INFORMATION None INSTRUCTIONS 1. Review “The Philosophy of Ministry” lecture and textbook reading. If these readings inform your quest, then reference them. 2. For your initial post, comment on and discuss your Philosophy of Ministry