Read the memoir The diving bell and the butterfly by Bauby (1997). Write a paper (“thought log”) based on your reading and introspection of the novel. The “thought log” process: You may use first person when creating your thought log. The memoir gives the reader a personal account of the impact of chronic illness on the individual and the family as a whole. As you read, keep in mind the symbolism of the Diving Bell and the Butterfly in the novel. Page 1: Cover sheet Page 2: The thought log: On a single page you will include: A) Two quotes from the memoir you felt were “aha” moments for you. Remember to cite your direct quotes with page numbers. (1 paragraph). (APA; a paragraph is a minimum of 3 complete sentences) B) A paragraph describing your thoughts on the underlying message or the “essence” of the memoir. Please do not restate the story; find the deeper meaning. (1 paragraph) (APA; a paragraph is a minimum of 3 complete sentences) C) Share two life lesson(s) you discovered in the memoir. (1 paragraph) (APA; a paragraph is a minimum of 3 complete sentences) Reference the author when you list the quotes; use APA 6 the edition. When you cite you must list a reference. Grammar and spelling are part of your grade. Page 3: On page 3 is a collage of art you create reflecting your interpretation of the essence of the memoir. I am looking for clipart or other noncopywritten pictures/symbols compiled, placed, and integrated (may use captions to explain or an explanation at the bottom of the page) reflecting your interpretation of the diving bell and the butterfly. Page 4: A reference page REMINDER: There should be 4 pages in this assignment; 1, a cover page should be completed with all professional papers,2, the thought log page, 3, the collage, and 4, a reference page. You are challenged to be succinct in your work; points will be deducted if you exceed the page requirements. In this case, less is more. You may find conveying your thoughts on one page disturbing but it will help you find the “essence” or the deeper meaning of the memoir