Discuss the theme of pledging oaths in two-three different works. From the Warrior’s Boast in Beowulf to the Chivalric Code in Arthurian tales, a warrior or knight pledges an oath to do good deeds, to honor king and country, and/or to uphold a set of exemplary ideals. Why is this act of pledging an oath so significant for the Anglo-Saxon and medieval societies? Why do the poets/writers stress this act of loyalty in their works?
Your critical essay will be an 800-1000–word MLA style paper based on one of the prompts listed below. You are required to directly cite in-text specific passages from the literary texts that you are writing about and relevant lecture material from the course modules to support your explanation of the prompt that you choose. All cited materials should be listed on a Works Cited page.
In addition, you may choose to include up to 3 relevant and scholarly secondary sources from the library databases to support your explanation. If you choose to include secondary sources, you will need to list the secondary sources on the Works Cited page that accurately lists the source material, including the database information, in MLA format. Most library databases have a “Cite” option that allows you to choose an MLA citation and copy and paste it into your Works Cited. I recommend using the Bloom’s Literature database available through the NWCC Library Database webpage for finding relevant articles about the texts and using the Search bar on the main NWCC Library Databases web page.
You should use MLA for formatting your paper and citations. Your essay should be double-spaced. Also, you should use a standard and readable font, along with 1″ margins.
The focus of your critical essay should be on analysis and synthesis of the texts that you are writing about rather than summarizing the literary texts. No credit will be given for discussing literary texts other than those covered in the class.