Topic: The Value and Role of Organizational Change I. Identify a familiar organization that operates domestically and abroad a. 8 pages, 8 References (use the two included to make 8) Write a research paper assessing how this organization implemented changes that resulted in improvements. Goal of Assignment: Examined how the organization should implement change both domestically and abroad, utilizing the main roles identified and researched. Based on your research and experience on organizational change and impact, provide ample evidence as to how the organizational changes brought about improvements. Address the following in your paper: (4 references and examples, one reference and example for each Headings A. Determine how the organizational change 1 Reference 1. affected society as a whole, 1 reference 2. its specific customers, 1 reference 3. stakeholders. 1reference Provide precedent examples of how societies have been impacted by change. B. Provide three recommendations, supported with research and evidence, (3 references and narrative explanations) a. how the organization could adapt to future changes as part of a change initiative for the organization. C. Summary