Read this excerpt from the book “The Undercover Economist” by Tim Harford (2007) Download read this excerpt from the book “The Undercover Economist”
by Tim Harford (2007)and write a two paragraphs response to the article (275 words). Make sure you start with a summary and then proceed to explain your
own opinion about the author’s statements.
In the summary part (first paragraph), you should not write your own ideas. You need to accurately summarize what the author explains. In the response part
(second paragraph), you need to critique the author’s statements and add your own ideas. In particular, discuss the different practices exposed by the author
in terms of efficacy for firms, efficiency from a collective point of view, and feasibility.
You must substantiate your arguments with examples. No outside references.
Note: Please follow the structure in the example file. And in the response part, please write about things that agree with the author’s idea.