A. During your study of Chapter 1, you learned about the role of the office in today’s organizations. You studied types of organizations and learned about their goals. Consider to explain in your own words the points listed below as you reinforce your understanding of the topics in this chapter:
1. Modern offices are subject to rapid change as new technology is introduced.
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B. Chapter 2 gave you an overview of the workforce competencies. You also learned about key categories of office competencies. Explain one of the key points from this chapter listed below:
2. Planning a strategy for developing office competencies will be valuable to you no
matter what you choose for your life’s work.
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C. Regarding our discussion in Chapter 3, we focus more on information as an important matter to businesses and other organizations. They use information to make decisions. Companies give a great deal of attention to managing information effectively. Businesses depend on information systems composed of people, technology, resources, and procedures for processing the information. One of the key points in this chapter include:
3. The information processing workflow consists of five operations: input, processing, output, distribution, and storage.
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D. Much of the communication in business is in written form. Reading and writing skills are essential for all types of office workers. In chapter 4, you learned ways to improve your reading and writing skills. You also learned guidelines for preparing business documents. One of the important key points from this chapter is listed below:
4. Reading skills involve comprehension, vocabulary, and speed. All three areas can be improved with practice.
E. Workers need to express themselves clearly in their speech at work. You may need to talk with a coworker or address others in a meeting. Some workers will also need to give a presentation. the delivery of a presentation is as important as planning and preparing the content of the presentation. The following is one of the key points that will reinforce your learning from this chapter.
5. Knowing how to communicate with your audience and keeping them involved is essential for a successful presentation.
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F. In chapter 7, you learned the importance of managing your time and workstation effectively. Office safety and security procedures also were discussed. Consider the point listed below as you reinforce your understanding of the topics in this chapter:
6. Office workers are expected to learn how to use office equipment properly. They must also do their part in properly maintaining it.