Research paper formate:
I. Introduction
A. Research question
B. Background – what is it and why am I looking at this?
II. Data
A. Data sources: Where did you get the data?
B. Variables: What data variables (e.g., investments, cultural exchanges, etc.) are you looking at? How do these answer your research question?
III. Results/Analysis
A. Data visualization – chart, graph, table, etc.
B. What the data says
C. How the data answers your research question
The impact of China’s “One Belt And One Road” on Sino-Japanese trade relations
The minimum requirement for the project is to show a consequential relationship between at least two variables, or specific types/categories of data, the possibilities for which are indefinite (for example, this could include number of hospital beds to air pollution to foreign direct investments within China and/or between China and other countries, at the city-, provincial-/state- or national-levels). Data used can be over time or during a single year.
Must use https://comtrade.un.org/data/ to get at least two variables we need to compare between China and Japan. And make sure list data in a period of 5-10 years.