Based upon the readings from your text, course Power Points, and TWO OUTSIDE SOURCES OF YOUR CHOICE (ONLY ONE MAY BE AN ENCYCLOPEDIA BUT NOT WIKIPEDIA), CHOOSE ONE CIVILIZATION to illustrate the concept of civilization. INTRODUCTION (to the theme of the paper)—Paragraph 1 tell what you are going to discuss in the paper–what are the points you will present. MUST DEFINE CIVILIZATION AND GIVE THE CRITERIA (the five-step model) BEFORE YOUR TRANSITION SENTENCE Must have an Introduction or lose 5 points MIDDLE PARAGRAPHS: The Details Show how the Civilization you have chosen illustrates the Model: GO BACK TO THE CRITERIA POINT BY POINT DISCUSS HOW THE CIVILIZATION YOU HAVE CHOSEN ILLUSTRATES THE MODEL An Organized Farming System (River Basin or Rain Fed) and List the Crops (What does it say in the power point on your chosen civilization? Your Sources?) How they generated a Surplus of Food: What Agricultural Technology did they use? Irrigation, Plow, Animal drawn plow (Fertilizer); Terracing (mountainous regions); etc. (What does it say in the power point on your chosen civilization? Your Sources?) Discuss Occupations other than farming they developed: Architects; Hydraulic Engineers (irrigation); Scribes; Priests; Rulers; Soldiers; Brick makers; Stone masons; metal smiths; etc. (What does it say in the power point on your chosen civilization? Your Sources?) List Several Urban Areas = Cities; Must List Cities (What does it say in the power point on your chosen civilization? Describe and Discuss the Cultural Elements that were developed: Writing System, Government, Religion, Architecture, Art, Written Literature (What does it say in the power point on your chosen civilization) You Must Describe all of them in the paper; your will only be required to discuss 3 on the Exam #1 Essay. CONCLUSION: Paragraph discussing how you have proved your point. Must have a Conclusion or lose 5 points MUST CITE SOURCES: MUST credit to your OUTSIDE sources or lose 10 points BIBLIOGRAPHY IS REQUIRED. THIS IS A LIST OF ALL OF YOUR SOURCES FORM FOR BOOKS: Author last name first, Title (underlined or in Italics), publisher, date published INTERNET SOURCES Author (if there is one), “Title,” (in quotes), the URL, AND the Date you accessed it. III. MECHANICS The paper should be a MINIMUM of five (5) typed pages, with regular 12 pt font and one-inch margins. When using a computer, you should save your work to a disk. I expect you to use what you learn from the textbook, Power Points, Videos, Or Discussion as the basis of what you are writing, therefore, I expect you to use SPECIFIC INFORMATION FROM YOUR OUTSIDE SOURCES AND CITE YOUR SOURCES (CITATIONS/FOOTNOTES/ENDNOTES) direct quotations and/or ideas that are newly introduced to you WHEN WRITING PARAPHRASE WHAT YOU HAVE READ AND CITE THE SOURCE IF YOU USE THE WORDS OF SOME ONE ELSE PUT QUOTATION MARKS AROUND THEM AND CITE THE SOURCE Must have a Bibliography or lose 10 points Lose 5 points if you use Wikipedia