Capturing the Friedman’s, HBO Documentary (Cover page and resource not included), Times New Roman, 12 font, double space, 1inch margins, APA format. (you must learn and practice concise writing and summation of your work).
▪Brief summary of the documentary.
▪Identify important factors that occurred in the film.How are those factors related to what you’ve learned throughout the course?
▪How do you think the police handled the matter? What can you gather based on what you’ve learned in the course as it relates to the police style of interviewing?
▪IMPORTANT: Incorporate and cite appropriate literature (required class readings, text-bookfrom the syllabus) throughout the paper to support your analysis. This means the paper should have proper in-text citations and a resource page. (This will impact your grade if you fail to do so). The following link has examples of in-text citations. https://www.mendeley.com/guides/apa-citation-guide
Capturing the Friedman’s, HBO Documentary link: