Edgar Allan Poe and Ralph Waldo Emerson: Compare and contrast the Dark Romanticism of Poe with the Transcendentalism of Ralph Waldo Emerson.
Edgar Allan Poe and Ralph Waldo Emerson: Compare and contrast the Dark Romanticism of Poe with the Transcendentalism of Ralph Waldo Emerson. How is Poe complicating Emerson’s very idealistic portrait of human nature, of the human mind, of human passions, and so forth? Why is he doing so, in your opinion? How can they both be considered Romantics when they offer such contrasting views of humanity? Be sure to use ample evidence from both authors’ writing
Be sure to quote frequently from your chosen texts. About 15-20% of your overall word-count should consist of quotations. Use at least three quotations per body paragraph and analyze them closely.
Be sure to integrate, cite, and document your quotations correctly according to MLA style.
We write about literature in the present tense.