Your assignment is two parts. Please complete all parts, and number and letter your responses as 1 (TV, theatre), 2, 2a, 2b.
1. Comment on one theatre job that you would enjoy. As usual, be concise yet complete. Refer to the article and one of the video clips (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q-bni4QqSv4) above with specifics and examples to support your ideas. Also, include an insight you have from browsing the various theatre jobs (wigs, costumes, acting, etc) on the National Theatre website link (above, and here): http://www.nationaltheatre.org.uk/discover-more/backstage/videos.
2. Comment on what you learned about how a novel can be adapted into a stage play (as you saw in the videos on ‘Frankenstein and The Curious Incident’- these films are in youtube), and what jobs are involved in this process. Answer these questions in your short response:
a) Which job(s) would you enjoy being involved with?
b) What was new/unusual that you learned from this video, that changed your ideas about how a play is created, or what can happen on stage in a play, to tell a story (whether a classic novel like Frankenstein, or a new novel like Curious Incident)? Refer to one of the video clips above with specifics and examples to support your ideas.
explained what to watch to complete this assignment in the rubric completely. Also for the article to see, I attached the file !
Please work detailed.