Pick two of the following questions about The Color of Water by James McBride and answer each in no less than a paragraph each: 1.What does Ruth’s mother’s secrecy tell us about the roles of women and homosociality (friendship/platonic intimacy between women) in that society? 2.What do we know about father-son relationships already from our study of Native Speaker? From our own lived experiences or observations? 3. Which of these three topics– competition amongst women, abortion, or disability rights– is most important to you? Why? 4. What is the value in setting a good example for young people, as compares to learning from a “bad” example? 5.What does Ruth learn about herself after the graduation-based conflict with her father? 6.How do we expect people to grieve, and how do both Ruth and James subvert those expectations? 7.Is it better to grow up sheltered or exposed? 8. Why is Ruth conflicted in the chapter “Lost in Delaware?”