the benefits of sending your child to preschool with supporting research, facts including visuals. use sources to back up stance and for examples.
Student Learning Outcome(s) Assessed:
Students will be able to:
• Demonstrate research and writing skills through exploring a contemporary issue in education, creating a scholarly paper, and presenting their findings to student colleagues.
• Critically analyze the intersection between targeted historical and contemporary practices in education
• Prepare and present scholarly information through the use of a power point lecture
• Evaluate scholarly presentations of student colleagues, offering corrective feedback
• Demonstrate content expertise in the educational issue being researched during open question and answer periods
Description of the Signature Assignment
The final project is centered on selection of an education-related issue from a list of possibilities (see addendum for expanded assignment details). Written reports must include the following components:
• Introduction and thesis (no abstract)
• Historical context
• Analysis of the issue (using sufficient supporting data)
• Review of recent research and literature on the issue, including an interview with an “expert” in your selected area of research
• Summary and call to action: Possible solutions/recommendations and best action steps to take regarding the issue
• A complete list of sources (References)
Additional Directions for Students
The written project should fall in the range of 15-20 pages of text (excluding references and appendices) and follow APA style (6th edition). You should use some visual data in your paper, but anything beyond 2 pages should be put in an appendix at the end of the paper. The final written project will be due at the last class session.
See topics on the following page.
If you think of something that is not on this list, I am open to considering it. At our first class meeting, you will be asked to select a topic (only one person per topic, so come prepared with alternatives). The specific thesis statement and title of your project must be presented to me no later than our second class session.
___ home schooling ___school funding ___college access
___learning disabilities ___low performing schools ___teacher prep/credentialing
___poverty and education ___teacher burn-out ___testing/grading
___school safety ___parent involvement ___extra-curricular activities
___private K-12 schools ___preschool ___religion and public schools