response to the idea of the “alienation” of the Black Man (meaning all colonized people) and his “dis-alienation” as outlined in Frantz Fanon’s Black Skin, White Masks. Fanon argues that the “Black” is a creation of white knowledge. Based on the non-white color of his skin, the colonized has been racialized into the white person’s inferior other. Furthermore, western education conditions the colonized to believe in these Western concept of “Black” as true and without alternatives. The consequences are internalizing inferiority complex and hatred of the black skin. According to Fanon the oppressed have to reject the black identity that is a white construct and create their own. In other words, to attain true liberation from colonialism, the black man has to escape being a black and become “human.”
Avoid writing paraphrases and summaries of the main text for the sake of it. You must have a point to prove. To validate your position say on whether “blackness” is an entrapment made by the white colonizer, you have to choose lines from the two chapters that speak to this point.
100-point paper develops one central insight about the reading, your argument, so there is a coherent theme to the paper. A brief introduction offers your overview of the reading assignment and makes it clear what your focus is going to be. The body of the paper expands on this theme in various ways, with plenty of examples (including some brief quotations from the text). The analysis of the textual evidence is sufficient and convincing. Your paper attempts to fit the assigned text into a larger context. There are no significant mechanical errors or stylistic problems.