Performance Essay:
You will write one essay, double spaced, 3-5 pages in length, on a Film or Show (Episode or Season) of your choice. You will be discussing the actors’ work in the performance.
In your papers you are to address:
The Acting: Start with Did you Believe It? Was the acting effective? Were there scenes/actors that stood out as strong or weak? How about specific moments that worked well or didn’t work? How and Why? You must use terminology from class such as GOTE, Beats, Given circumstances etc throughout your entire paper. Don’t summarize the plot, talk about the Given Circumstances that influenced the performances. It is strongly advised that you take notes during the show
Pick one fro below:
Joker – Joaquin Phoenix (Joker ) 2019
A star is born- Lady gaga 2019
:::: Or any of your own legit selection. Let me know before choosing one~