Exercise Purpose: Use the provided intelligence and background information relevant to the RAP to develop a list of six pre-operational intelligence collection indicators: two on expected terrorist group behavior (modus operandus), two on expected CW agent acquisition and dissemination, and two on specific terrorist group motivations/psychology. Provide sufficient detail on the indicator so as to facilitate notional intelligence collections and the rationale in a few sentences as to why this is a logical indicator of terrorist/CBRN activity. Provide cited references in Turabian format (endnotes/footnotes AND a bibliography) to course materials to back up your logic for every indicator. These indicators should represent a thoughtful assessment of the raw intelligence in the hypothetical scenario as it relates to important course themes on terrorist modus operandi, mindset and psychology and the technical realities of acquiring and/or producing CBRN weapons/agents. These indicators would be used in the real world in plans by counterterrorism agencies to conduct all-source collections efforts in an attempt to prevent a forecasted attack, so they must be specific enough to act upon (hypothetically). Bad example: “pre-operational establishment of xxx.” Good example: “Establishment of xxx within xx miles of New York City, within xxx days of the expected attack date.”