Write an essay of at least 4-5 paragraphs that compares OR contrasts two television shows of the same type (reality shows, situation comedies, dramas, news programs, and so forth). It can be two movies, or books, as long as the same genre.
Use one of the organizational methods—subject-by-subject (block) or point-by-point (alternating)—illustrated in the Week 6 lecture notes to structure your essay. Also, be sure to include in your essay all of the good qualities of comparison and contrast discussed in this week’s lesson.
Based on the textbook chapter, lecture notes, and Smart Thinking feedback (if able to use their services) write a well-constructed (organized) essay that contains: a clear thesis, a thought provoking introduction, good sentence variety, adheres to grammar rules, and a solid conclusion.
View the attached grading rubric. Also, remember to follow the paragraph length requirements for our class. First and last paragraph 5-6 sentences, middle paragraphs 2,3,4 should have 6-8 sentences.
Submit this essay to the Week 7 Dropbox by Sunday June 14th at 5PM. The dropbox will close at the end of the day.