please construct a resume for an entry level position in your field. You may either research a position on a job website like Indeed.com, or use the sample job posting that I’ve created below.
In the notes when you submit the assignment, please copy and paste the job that you’re applying for. Please make it a position that you might have a chance of getting – for example, don’t apply to be a doctor if you don’t have a medical degree. The job that I posted below doesn’t require writing experience, and you may use this class as an example of the experience that you’ve gained in the field.
Next, construct either a skills-based or chronological resume to highlight your experience for the position. If you don’t have work experience, consider things like volunteer work, classes taken, or honors received to help fill in your resume.
I am applying for Computer Forensics specialist, cybersecurity specialist or FBI special agent.
Attached my resume with my work history.
Chapter 14 of your textbook highlights strategies for presenting yourself effectively in written communication. Two of these strategies are to use
1. The appropriate level of formality: this is an issue that I see all the time in the workplace. Markel asserts that as the world becomes more digitized, people tend to use more informal language in their communications. It’s important to remember that everything that you write is the legal property of the organization that you work for. For this reason, Markel asserts that it’s always important to use a moderately formal tone in workplace communications.
2. Communicate correctly: This is another important strategy in workplace communications. Correct writing is free of grammar, punctuation, and usage errors. It’s always a good strategy to proofread your work several times before you send out communications of any kind, including email.