We can utilize some more familiar “frames” to view, understand, and critique long-term-care HCO settings. Specifically, for this first blog post, let us refer to the movies – The Savages – 2007; One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest – 1975.
· https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iu9G9OxHMhI
Cuckoo’s Nest:
· https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LBHN7aJGogY
First, review each of these scenes (trailer for Savages that appears to align with how many people first encounter long-term-care as a loved one transitions into elder care; and the scene for Cuckoo’s Nest, that shows a very negative and troubling institutional setting whereby seemingly very dissimilar patients are pitted against each other by a psychologically manipulative and abusive nursing director).
Then, select any piece of long-term-care related fiction you’d like (movie, TV show, novel). Provide a digital reference for the class (ie. a hyperlink to synopsis, trailer, excerpt). Then, highlight which of the Market Forces Affecting Nursing Facilities (p. 101-103) are present within the storyline and provide a brief overview of how they appear.
Finally, refer to the section in your textbook regarding Building an Ideal LTC System (chapter 3) and make an attempt to redesign (improve) the LTC setting of the movie/show/novel you selected according to the seven (7) Criterion presented by your textbook authors. Although you do not have to address each of the seven criterion, you should look to integrate ~3-4 of them into your redesign, based on which aspects are represented most strongly within the storyline.