What are successful healthcare strategies that are being used to address the delivery of healthcare to indigenous population in United State?
Must be at least 8 pages, excluding works cited (This is based on typed words, not tables or charts.)
• include page numbers
• be double spaced
• include all section headings
• use a font no greater than 12 points
• have margins on the right side at least 1 inch
• be typewritten
• be grammatically correct
• use proper sentence structure
• include at least six scholarly journals
• include proper citations; works must be cited throughout paper and include a Cites Listed section;
• use only the APA format for citing.
Mandatory outlined for Final paper
A.Introduction -Which topic we are addressing?
What is specific health care delivery issue or problem associated with the approved
must be included documentation to show that for example recent statistics.
This should include the history and background of the issue,supported by
documentation(use peer review articles)
B.Solutions and approaches to solve the problem identified above :
Using scholarly journals,what are at least 2 different healthcare strategies that have
been used to address the problem successfully?Include why the strategies have been
successful,while others have not
C. Writing proficiency
D.Conclusion -What can we draw from our research as they relate to our healthcare delivery issue/problem?Support this conclusion with references from readings and information gathered is section above.