Answer the Question(s) listed below using APA formatting, citing from references used and include your references at the end of your assignment. These references can include but are not limited to the textbook, journal articles and other outside legitimate resources. Be careful of internet references to ensure they are reliable sources as there are some that are not reliable such as blogs or opinionated postings. Be detailed in your answer to the question(s). Must be double-spaced with a 12 point font and one inch margins. Proofread it very carefully for proper spelling, grammar, sentence structure, and paragraph formation as these points will be deducted for these if incorrect. Use APA format style for your in-text citations and list of references.
It is expected that you take time in your assignment to include detailed answering of the questions. For brief, non-specific, non-detailed answers, points will be deducted. Be sure that you meet the requirements for the Turnitin threshold of 20% or less. Copying and/or sharing answers in any format is strictly prohibited and will be considered a violation of the LSUS Code of Student Conduct, MBA Honor Code, and copyright law. Be sure your work is strictly yours!
Individual Assignment Reading:
After reading Chapter One in your textbook, read the two attached articles. After reading all, reflect on the need for strategic management and answer the questions below in the required assignment instructions.
Assignment Questions:
With competition and technological advances occurring in the auto industry, why is it important to develop a strategic management plan? Be specific and detailed in answer.
Based on the two articles discussing strategy, should an auto organization choose an intended, emergent, and/or realized strategy(ies)? Explain why you chose these in details.