To complete the assignment deliverable, you will be following the directions and steps listed below. These steps are provided to assist you in delivering appropriately complete work.
Step 1
Review the Strategic Management: A Competitive Advantage Approach, Concepts, and Cases textbook and find and study the case information about your selected company.
List the firm’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Consider both internal and external factors when compiling your list.
Go to that firm’s website and locate and click on the link for Investors. Click “Annual Reports” and then click “2022 Annual Report” or “Form 10K.”
Download this pdf file to your desktop; peruse the information and add to your list of the firm’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.
Step 2
Go to the IBISWorld or Business Source Complete websites for the relevant industry of your selected company.
Use this information to develop your list of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.
Step 3
Go to the Bloomberg Yahoo Finance website. Enter the stock symbol for your company. Note the wealth of information on the company that may be obtained by clicking any item along the row below the company name.
You will use this data when you refine your lists of key external and internal factors later in the course. Each factor listed for this exercise should include a percentage, number, dollar, or ratio to reveal some quantified fact or trend. These factors provide the underlying basis for a strategic plan because a firm strives to take advantage of strengths, improve weaknesses, avoid threats, and capitalize on opportunities. Avoid vagueness in strategic planning.
Step 4
Go to Strategy Club and review the following resources:
Live author videos
Live case analysis presentation on Sanderson Farm and Juniper Networks
Chapter and case updates
Guidelines for presenting a strategic plan or case analysis
Step 5
Use your results from Steps 1-3 when completing this step.
Under “Free Templates,” download the latest version of the template. (This will be referred to as the Strategic-Planning Template throughout the course. Save it with the file name, “Your Company Name Strategic-Planning Template.”)
Click on each of the “Strengths,” “Weaknesses,” “Opportunities,” and “Threats” buttons in the template and carefully follow the instructions given for each to complete these four sections of the template.
Save the Excel file for use in later exercises. You will continue to add to this Strategic-Planning Template throughout the course.
Using the information you have gathered from your research and planning in Steps 1-5 above, your CLC group will complete and submit the following prompt in a single Word document. This prompt align with the rubrics used to score your effort.
In 100 words, explain how or why your proposed vision and mission statements are better than the current statements, and how they could benefit the company moving forward.