Strategic Communications Plan for Building
In this portion of the module you are going to provide a summary strategic communications plan for the building in which you serve.
Simulate that you have been asked by your superintendent to develop a strategic communications plan for your building that emphasizes the need to inform community stakeholders about the special education program that you oversee as a building principal. Address the following (33 Points):
1. Develop a list of 3-5 challenges your school building faces in improving community relations with stakeholders in both the general education and special education programs (ELCC 3.1 NELP 6.1).
2. In a paragraph, forecast facility and resource needs for 3-5 years to determine the impact on the building-level budget in providing educational services to general education students as well as educational services and related services to special education students (ELCC 3.2; NELP 6.2)
3. In a paragraph, tell how you as a principal will advocate for school security for students with disabilities (ELCC 3.3 NELP 3.3).
4. Provide 3-5 strategies you could implement to involve school staff in building-level decision making in regard to protecting the welfare of students with disabilities within your attendance center (ELCC 3.4 NELP 7.3 ).
5. Review your school district calendar and in one paragraph discuss its strengths and weaknesses in providing quality educational services to students with disabilities (ELCC 3.5 NELP 4.4 ).
6. State (by position and not name) who you would include on a special education collaboration committee that focuses on and can collect information regarding the needs of parents, caregivers, special education students, general education teachers, and special education teachers, and community stakeholders. In one sentence for each nominee, state why you would include them on the committee (ELCC 4.2 NELP 5.2)
7. List 3-5 strategies you would incorporate to assist a collaboration committee in collecting, analyzing, and interpreting information regarding student, faculty and community information that is related to the needs of special education programs (ELCC 4.1, 4.3, 4.4 NELP 6.1, 5.1, 5.2)
8. In one paragraph, state how you could involve community partners in the decision-making process in regard to special education issues and programming within the building (ELCC 4.4 NELP ).
9. Identify a group of 3-5 team building-level team members (by position, not name) who could assist you in monitoring building level practices that ensure equitable treatment of general education and special education students (ELCC 5.1, NELP 2.1)
10. Develop a one paragraph platform that outlines expectations of building-level employees in in regard to the ethical treatment of all students that will ensure that general education and special education students are treated in a fair and equitable manner in regard to an adaptive school culture and student achievement (ELCC 5.2, 5.5 NELP 2.1).
11. Provide 3-5 strategies you could incorporate to promote and communicate your attempts to advocate for democracy and equity for all students including those with IEPs (ELCC 5.3; NELP 4.2).
Module 5 Strategic Communications Plan
Criteria Exemplary Acceptable Unacceptable
Develop challenges ELCC 3.1
NELP 6.1 3 Points
Develops a list of 5 challenges your school building faces in improving community relations with stakeholders in both the general education and special education programs 2 Points
Develop a list of 3 challenges your school building faces in improving community relations with stakeholders in both the general education and special education programs 0 Points
Fails to develop a list of at least 3 challenges your school building faces in improving community relations with stakeholders in both the general education and special education programs
Facility & Resource Needs
ELCC 3.2
NELP 6.2 3 Points
Forecasts facility and resource needs for 5 years to determine the impact on the building-level budget in providing educational services to general education students as well as educational services and related services to special education students. 2 Points
Forecasts facility and resource needs for 3 years to determine the impact on the building-level budget in providing educational services to general education students as well as educational services and related services to special education students. 0 Points
Fails to forecast facility and resource needs for at least 3 years to determine the impact on the building-level budget in providing educational services to general education students as well as educational services and related services to special education students
Principal as Advocate ELCC 3.3
NELP 3.3 3 Points
In detailed fashion provides a paragraph with examples indicating how candidate as a principal will advocate for school security for students with disabilities. 2 Points
In an overview provides a paragraph with indicating how candidate as a principal will advocate for school security for students with disabilities. 0 Points
Fails to provide an overview provides a paragraph with indicating how candidate as a principal will advocate for school security for students with disabilities.
Strategies to implement
ELCC 3.4
NELP 7.3 3 Points
Provides 5 strategies candidate could implement to involve school staff in building-level decision making in regard to protecting the welfare of students with disabilities within your attendance center. 2 Points
Provides 3 strategies candidate could implement to involve school staff in building-level decision making in regard to protecting the welfare of students with disabilities within your attendance center. 0 Points
Fails to provide at least 3 strategies candidate could implement to involve school staff in building-level decision making in regard to protecting the welfare of students with disabilities within your attendance center.
School Calendar
ELCC 3.5
NELP 4.4
3 Points
Reviews school district calendar and in one paragraph discusses its strengths and weaknesses in providing quality educational services to students with disabilities.
2 Points
Reviews school district calendar and in one paragraph provides a narrative stating its suitability of providing quality educational services to students with disabilities.
0 Points
Fails to review school district calendar and in one paragraph provides at least provide a narrative stating its suitability of providing quality educational services to students with disabilities.
Collaboration Committee
ELCC 4.2
NELP 5.2 3 Points
State (by position and not name) who candidate would include on a special education collaboration committee that focuses on and can collect information regarding the needs of parents, caregivers, special education students, general education teachers, and special education teachers, and community stakeholders. In one sentence for each nominee, states why you would include them on the committee. 2 Points
State (by position and not name) who candidate would include on a special education collaboration committee that focuses on and can collect information regarding the needs of parents, caregivers, special education students, general education teachers, and special education teachers, and community stakeholders. In one-two sentences for the collective group, states why candidate would include them on the committee. 0 Points
Fails to identify a special education collaboration committee.
Strategies for Collaboration Committee
ELCC 4.1, NELP 6.1
ELCC 4.3, NELP 5.1
ELCC 4.4; NELP 5.2 3 Points
Lists 5 strategies candidate would incorporate to assist a collaboration committee in collecting, analyzing, and interpreting information regarding student, faculty and community information that is related to the needs of special education programs. 2 Points
Lists 3 strategies candidate would incorporate to assist a collaboration committee in collecting, analyzing, and interpreting information regarding student, faculty and community information that is related to the needs of special education programs. 0 Points
Fails to lists at least 3 strategies candidate would incorporate to assist a collaboration committee in collecting, analyzing, and interpreting information regarding student, faculty and community information that is related to the needs of special education programs.
Community Partners Involvement
ELCC 4.4
NELP 5.2 3 Points
In a paragraph, states how candidate could involve community partners in the decision-making process in regard to special education issues and programming within the building. 2 Points
In a paragraph, states how candidate could minimally community partners in the decision-making process in regard to special education issues and programming within the building. 0 Points
Fails to state how candidate could minimally community partners in the decision-making process in regard to special education issues and programming within the building.
Identify team building level
ELCC 5.1
NELP 2.1 3 Points
Identifies a group of 5 team building-level team members (by position, not name) who could assist candidate in monitoring building level practices that ensure equitable treatment of general education and special education students. 2 Points
Identifies a group of 3 team building-level team members (by position, not name) who could assist candidate in monitoring building level practices that ensure equitable treatment of general education and special education students. 0 Points
Fails to identify a team of building-level team members (by position, not name) who could assist candidate in monitoring building level practices that ensure equitable treatment of general education and special education students.
Platform/Expectations ELCC 5.2, NELP 2.1
ELCC 5.5 NELP 2.1 3 Points
Develops a one paragraph platform that outlines expectations of building-level employees in in regard to the ethical treatment of all students that will ensure that general education and special education students are treated in a fair and equitable manner in regard to an adaptive school culture and student achievement. 0 Points
There is no acceptable or unacceptable level for this portion of the assignment. 0 Points
There is no acceptable or unacceptable level for this portion of the assignment.
Strategies to promote ELCC 5.3
NELP 4.2 3 Points
Provides 5 strategies that can be incorporated to promote and communicate attempts to advocate for democracy and equity for all students including those with IEPs. 2 Points
Provides 3 strategies that can be incorporated to promote and communicate attempts to advocate for democracy and equity for all students including those with IEPs. 0 Points
Fails to provide a minimum of 3 strategies that can be incorporated to promote and communicate attempts to advocate for democracy and equity for all students including those with IEPs.