Consider the model of wages
wagei = β0 + β1educi + β2experi + β3tenurei + ui
where wagei
is the wage of an individual, educi
is his/her years of education, experi
his/her total years of working experience and tenurei
is the amount of time the individual
have been in his/her current job, and ui
is an error term.
(a) Your colleague says that there will be a structural break in this model between the
males and females. Explain what this means with specific reference to the variables
in the model.
(b) Outline how you could test your colleague’s statement. There is another variable
available in the data set femalei which takes a value of 1 if a person is female and
zero otherwise.
[10 MARKS]
(c) Your friend has run three versions of the regression
wagei = β0 + β1educi + β2experi + β3tenurei + ui
Once for all individuals (all), once for only females (femalei = 1) and once for males
(femalei = 0). She has emailed you the following information. Use this information
to perform a test for a structural break in the model across gender. Discuss the test
Regression SSR Observations
All 4966.03 526
femalei = 1 1257.092 252
femalei = 0 3137.153 274
[10 MARKS]