1. Run descriptive statistics and frequencies on the following variables: Age, Ethnicity, Gender, and GPA. Write your results in an APA style results section paragraph
A. What is the ethnic/racial distribution (percentages of each)?
B. What is the average age?
C. What percent of the sample is female?
2. Are there mean differences in GPA across ethnicity? If so, what did the post-hoc analysis reveal? Conduct a One-way ANOVA and write your results in an APA style results section paragraph. Analyze>Compare Means>one-way ANOVA
3. Conduct a factorial ANOVA with Gender and Study_Condition as the independent variables and GPA as the dependent variable. Is there a main effect for Gender? What about Study_Condition? Is there an interaction effect for Gender*Study_Condition? If, so what group differences were found? Write your results in an APA style results section paragraph. Analyze>General linear model>Univariate