With this paper, I’m asking you to research the latest information on the state of the career field you have chosen. Have there been new innovations? Big changes? What challenges will each of you face once you’ve earned your degrees and begin working as professionals in your field?
Part of this research involves an interview with an active member of the career area in which you’re interested. Perhaps a working lawyer, or farmer, or scientist, or hotel manager. I would like you to reach out to a member of this field (a person not directly related to you) and interview him or her over email.
The information gained from the interview should be blended into your other research in a way that the paper itself is *not* primarily an interview paper, but which shows the interview as an important source for the subjects you discuss. In other words, the paper should not follow the interview question by question. The interview should be referred to only when it is necessary to discuss something that was said about a particular topic.
The interview should consist of at least eight questions (more is always better), plus several follow-ups. Once you’ve conducted the interview, we will discuss then what you’d like to focus on for your report, and also see if you need additional information.
Your other source material should be recent (within the past five years), credible (think “CRAAP test”), and should not be drawn from Wikipedia. You will need 4 additional sources besides the interview, from academic journals or trade magazines in your field, all properly cited in the paper using the research documentation of your field (MLA, APA, or another). I recommend you use the Library’s database search, especially EBSCOHost. Avoid websites that are hard to find out info about—such as who runs it, who is writing the information on it, and where are they finding their information.
Then, you will write an essay, at least 8 pages (plus the required Works Cited page), discussing what you’ve discovered about the current state of this career area. Consider questions such as (but not necessarily): What sorts of skills are valued in this field? How does this career fit your values and expectations? What does the near future of this career field look like?
Remember that your essay will need one solid, specific thesis idea at its core. That idea should not be a list of things describing the state of this career field. But instead, make sure each paragraph topic adds to your overall thesis.
Do not, however, write about basic entry-level issues, like salary, or a day-in-the-life, all the core skills or the degree needed. These are fine things to know, but the focus should be more on the current issues and methods in these areas.