write a research paper on: Soviet Union and General communism
THE BODY of the PAPER: This is where you present your research, your supporting evidence for the claims that you made in your introduction. You can use a case study, or compare cases, or use statistics, or interviews, or a historical analysis, or an economic analysis, or a political analysis, or a cultural analysis, or an ethnic or gender specific analysis, etc. This is probably the part of the paper where you will have the most citations, AND YOU BETTER PUT THEM IN! Don’t go 1 or 2 pages without a footnote, end note, or in text citation. You really don’t want me to get suspicious about your paper. You can use whatever documentation style you want, just be consistent. This part of the paper is the easy part. It’s just grunt work and fill in the blanks because you actually got interested in a topic, read about it, and all the heavy thinking was done in the intro. Now you just present the evidence to support your insights.
THE CONCLUSION: This part can be the most creative. What is useful about your analysis? Can it be generalized or is it case or topic specific. What can we learn about this? Also, it helps to recapitulate your thesis and where this analysis might lead. A conclusion that rigorously unpacks the paper and suggests that your thesis could not be supported is in actuality a well researched non-finding and you should not feel timid about presenting something like this, if you can do a good job at it.
So this research paper is unlike your essays where you just wrote about stuff, addressed a question, and often offered undocumented opinion. This is different and the key is to write about something that interests you and to not start on the night before it’s due or you will not be a happy camper.