Literature Review:
The purpose of your literature review is to provide an up-to-date understanding of your topic in the context of the field where you provide information that is appropriately referenced from primary sources. Your literature review should introduce your laboratory medicine project topic and give background of the subject area and describe what problem is being addressed in your laboratory medicine project. You should start with an overview of the area, then provide the up-to-date knowledge in this area so that it is clear to the reader, then provide hypothesis and aims of your study and with a Bibliography at the end. It should be written in scientific language but with clear English expression that it is understandable by people outside of the field.
Solid Phase Red Cell Adherence Assay
Mixture old and up-to-date articles
Peer reviewed journal
Literature review length:
Approx. 2000-2500 words in length depending on the subject area.
Your literature review will be descriptive and concise supported by evidence from the literature from peer-reviewed sources eg: journals and books. You can include figures or tables where possible to support your subject area. If you download images from the web or scanned images always include the source and seek permission to use if required. Otherwise, drawing your own figures to illustrate points is most desirable. The literature review should be word processed in double spacing using Times New Roman and no less than 12 point font size. Your literature should have a cover page with a title, your name and student number. Your literature review should have a Bibliography listing at the end and references in Vancouver format.
• Mixture