For your final project in this course, you will conduct research on a social issue from the perspective of two social science disciplines. You will discuss your issue in the context of the learning resources you will be exploring in class. For the assignment due this week, you will begin by planning your final project.
Project Plan Requirements
Select a social issue that has particular interest to you. It can be one that you have experienced yourself, one you have seen in your own community, or one you want to learn more about. Here are a few suggested topics:
· Race issues
· Homelessness
· Social class
· Health care
· Gender
· The environment
· Immigration
· Sexual orientation
· Technology
Or select a topic on your own. (If you have questions about the appropriateness of your topic, send your professor an email.)
Please note that these are very broad topic areas. You should narrow your choice down to a more specific issue within the broader topic. For example, if you choose gender, you could narrow it down to gender discrimination, gender disparities in health care, gender identity, gender roles, gender stratification, and so on. This will make it easier for you to really focus on a particular social issue.
Once you have selected your topic, you will submit a two-paragraph project plan:
1. The first paragraph identifies the topic you have chosen and explains why you think this topic will be a good one to explore from a social science perspective. This paragraph should also include some preliminary discussion of the specific issues that are relevant to your topic that you plan to focus on in your final project (the number of issues you are looking for).
2. The second paragraph identifies the two social sciences you are going to use to examine your issue. Why did you choose these two disciplines? Cite the information from at least four relevant learning resources (from the course materials) to help validate your selection of the disciplines.
This assignment will use Turnitin to assess academic integrity. Review your syllabus for more information on how this class will use Turnitin.
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