There are multiple sides to every story. For this assignment you will be required to work in groups of one, two, three or four in order to create a “point/counterpoint” type of an argument. The goal of this is to see how limiting the arguments can be when one side may be biased with an agenda. Many modern Canadian issues involve stakeholders from many different backgrounds, with many different opinions. Stakeholders are individuals who are directly involved in making decisions. They can be government officials, celebrities, company owners, neighbourhood organizations, or anything else you find applicable. You are required to choose a stakeholder position (either for or against) one of the scenarios listed on page 3 of this assignment. Using this foundation, you must have a back and forth debate within your group. You were only asked to discuss the environmental challenges of these issues, however each of these also has many consequences for social, economic, and health parameters in Canada. How you organize this is up to you. You can choose to act as yourselves, or get into characters (an Indigenous group vs. Justin Trudeau, David Suzuki vs. an oil company, Donald Trump vs. An anti-coal group, etc). You must explain the format and setting of your debate (i.e., is it on Twitter between two or more political figures? Is it a transcript from an interview? Is it a video interview? Was it a Facebook argument? Is it on the class Discussion Forum?), and provide a copy of it (in text or picture/screen capture format).
Working Alone or in a Group of 2
The deliverables for this are different depending on the number of people in your group. If you are
working in a group of two or by yourself there must be a minimum of 7 exchanges. An exchange is a
back and forth between two parties. For example, (the below include real quotes, you are expected to
be original):