ASSESSMENT 2 – CASE STUDY BRIEF This assessment is worth 40% of the total unit marks Assessment Background This assessment deals with aspects of site management covered in the unit content and is based on a proposed new fifteen storey commercial construction project to be built on a large vacant rectangular site between two existing adjoining buildings on the outskirts of the CBD. The building will be constructed using concrete floors and columns poured in-situ with glass curtain wall panels. The roof will be a flat metal deck supported over steel framing. The building also has a basement that will be used for car parking and there is a lift to be installed from the basement to the top level. While the site is large, so is the area of the building and limited space is available to the left and right-hand sides. An area available to the front and to the rear. Access to the site is only available from the front which is a large road of two lanes in each direction. While there is no direct access to the rear, a laneway sufficient for a single truck running across the rear of the site may be used. However due to restrictions there is no access actually onto the site from that lane. This information should be used to provide background and context for your assessment. In developing the activities to be reported, you should consider the type of construction processes that would be conducted as part of the building’s construction. Note that you are only required to consider sufficient activities to complete your assessment – you do not have to discuss all aspects of such a project. Assessment Tasks The assessment provides two options for completion. Students select which of the two options they wish to complete. Within each option there are two parts both of which must be completed. The cover sheet shall clearly show the option the student chooses. Students are required to work independently. OPTION 1. Waste Management Building waste makes up to 40% of all landfill in Australia and when you consider that 80% of those materials can be recycled, it has become essential to reconsider building waste. Therefore you are required to consider an appropriate waste management system for the main construction phase. This consists of the construction stage between installation of the columns and floors through to cladding the external walls, the installation of the roof and the internal load bearing walls. You do not have to consider works involved prior to this (i.e. earthwork. footings or ground floor slab) of subsequent to this (i.e. final internal finishes and non-load bearing walls). Part A – Prepare a waste management system for the site. Explain the components of this system and how it is to be implemented. While you are not limited to a particular system or approach you are expected to keep it realistic for such a project and to justify the choice of that system. Essentially you are expected to consider the type and amount of waste that is generated, where it is generated and how it is to be disposed of. It is expected that photographs with explanatory notes of the system selected will be included. As a word count you should expect to have approximately 1000 words of appropriate content. The presentation format should be in the form of a report that it is easy to read and informative, however, the actual style used is not restricted (see further details below). Part B – You are required to research into waste management and provide a written paper into current issues on construction sites and approaches taken to providing solutions. The number of points considered should be limited by the amount of relevant information that is presented in each topic covered. For instance, you may feel that you can write sufficient content on only one aspect of waste management without getting bogged down in irrelevant technical detail or covering elements simply for the word count. Alternatively, you may feel that by covering two or three aspects you can present a more complete picture. This research should assist in completing part A. Photographs may assist but they do not replace words, and should only be used where they are essential to the paper. The paper should be approximately 2000 words in length and be in accordance with the details provided below regarding format. Remember that this is not a technical report for use in the real world – it is an academic piece of writing and will require appropriate referencing etc. OPTION 2. Site Safety The company you work for has tasked you with developing a Site Safety Management Plan, reflecting the company’s Health Safety and Environment Policy. As part of the plan you will need to identify areas of legal and industrial safety. For example; Requirements under the relevant Act, duty of care, site safety and access, wellbeing and amenities etc. Part A – Develop and detail a safety management plan for the site. Explain the components of this plan and how it is to be implemented and managed. While you are not limited to a particular system or approach you are expected to keep it realistic for such a project and to justify the choice of that system. Essentially you are expected to consider the type and nature of activities on site and it relationship with stakeholders that may be encountered. You should focus on either a one large element of your plan or a number of smaller issues that can be dealt with within the allocated word limit. As a word count you should expect to have approximately 1000 words of appropriate content. The presentation format should be in the form of a report that is easy to read and informative, however, the actual style used is not restricted (see further details below). Remember that this is not an academic piece of writing; it is a technical report for use in the real world. Part B – You are required to research into construction site safety and provide a written paper into current issues and approaches taken to providing management solutions. The number of points considered should be limited by the amount of relevant information that is presented in each topic covered. For instance, you may feel that you can write sufficient content on only one aspect of site safety without getting bogged down in irrelevant technical detail or covering elements simply for the word count. Alternatively you may feel that by covering two or three aspects you can present a more complete picture. Your work should be reflective of the larger context of the companies HSE policy. This research should assist in completing part A. Photographs may assist but they do not replace words, and should only be used where they are essential to the paper. The paper should be approximately 2000 words in length and be in accordance with the details provided below regarding format. Remember that this is not a technical report for use in the real world – it is an academic piece of writing and will require appropriate referencing etc. Relevant Sources To complete Part B you are required to review recent journal articles on your chosen topics and use this information to form your argument and position without plagiarising the original authors work. Therefore this means that you do not simply copy the content of these articles, and you are advised to revise what you have previously covered regarding appropriate referencing. When sourcing articles be selective about what you search for by identifying and focusing on the areas that you feel you should cover. Many students find it difficult to complete research tasks because they swamp themselves with material that it simply not relevant to their topic. Note that while text books are a good source of information to start you off, they should only be used to a limited extent as the focus is on articles. Assessment Format The report notes are to be submitted ONLY in accordance with following rules: Reports MUST be submitted via Turnitin links on unit Moodle before 23:59 Friday on the week due date as per the unit outline. Part A – There is not set format for Part A however it should be considered a document that will be a technical report read by numerous parties involved in the project and so it should be clearly set out, neatly presented and easy to follow. While it is not expected that you will cover all aspects that could be considered it is expected that you address sufficient issues on the site at a suitable depth. You should balance the number of points or issues raised against the amount of content that you complete for each, e.g. do not cover only two items in great depth or cover fifty items with one or two sentences. Ensure that each section covered is clearly identified within the report. Part B – Represents an academic assessment paper and should follow the guidelines below and should contain four sections (you also need a contents page). 1. Introduction. This should introduce the reader to the paper, outlining the main points to be covered by the discussion. It should NOT contain anything about it being an assessment, or anything about yourself! 2. Body. The content of the discussion should be addressed under subheadings relevant to the scenario presented. In doing so you MUST support your position by referencing your work from the literature (both supplied in class but mainly from other sources). In order to achieve this adequately you will need to draw on the unit texts and recommended readings, class discussions and lecture notes, and further research reading. NOTE do not actually use lecture notes, extensive quotes or endless website information – get proper articles from recent journals and remember to provide appropriate referencing. 3. Conclusion and Recommendations. This section should provide an outline as to how the selected management role discussed affects the safety relevant to the activities discussed, and how this situation can be improved or streamlined for greater effect. The conclusion must link Part’s A & B and be practical in its application. Remember that a conclusion must be based on the content presented in the report (refer to later section on a conclusion). 4. Reference List. This is to be completed in accordance with the Universities requirements. Please note that it is reference list and NOT a Bibliography! Remember if it is not your work then it needs to be referenced. Appendices. There is no need for any. These are to be attached ONLY where they are so brilliant that they support your submission to the point that your paper will suffer greatly if it is not included. If you have an appendix ensure that it is considered or discussed in the text of your paper. Do not put something in because you think it will fill up some space – there must be a reason for it being there which you have included in the discussion. If there is no extremely valid reason for it being there then do not included it Note: you are not required to complete an abstract or an executive summary.