Word Count: 1019, fantastic beginning. You need 1400 words, then add pictures and a bibliography to show your research (not included in word count)
Write story and answer questions
Indigo dye is an organic dye with chemical formula C16H10N2O2. It can be obtained naturally and synthetically. The natural source of the indigo dye includes; plants (lichens and fungi), animals (invertebrates and insects), and minerals. Before now, indigo dyes are obtained naturally by extraction from the leaves, stem, berries, roots, and nuts of certain plants. Most of the indigo dyes produced recently are obtained synthetically. Indigo dyes can be applied to blue jeans and denim clothes.
Indigo dyes can be obtained from a large variety of plants, but most indigo dyes are obtained naturally from plants in the genus Indigofera which are mostly found in the Asian continents. This thrives in Asia continents because of the hot and humid weather conditions within this region. Examples of plants from the Indigofera genus include; woad, oleander, Marsdenia, and Strobilanthes.
Although indigo dyes can be obtained from plants unlike other natural dyes, plants contain only the chemical precursor of indigo; hence indigo dyes obtained from plants by processing the extractions from the various parts of plants (leaves, stems, roots, etc).
a. How did Indigo/Shibori develop historically and why.
b. Indigo is a natural dye, what are the pros and cons of natural dyes compared to synthetic dyes.
c. Where in the world do they still do Indigo dying or Shibori dyeing on a large scale and why?
d.What environmental impacts do indigo dyes have and natural dyes for that matter have,
e. How are they produced, how is the plant processed and the dye extracted?
f. What was your experience when you did the Shibori? Was it your first time?, what did you learn?
g. Which designers today use Shibori, what collection, what technique, why is it an interesting application of Shibori?