Can a ‘sharing economy’ company insulate itself from liabilities (critics) from various issues by claiming it is just a marketplace or just the tech platform?
Evaluate the issues in creating an offer using a technology platform in a shared economy?
What challenges that Uber face during mid-2015? Would it have been able to achieve its success without raising such controversy?
Do upset Uber’s stakeholders threaten the future growth of the company? Explore the options that Uber has to overcome resistance from different groups?
What are your recommendations for the future?
The write-up must follow these formatting guidelines:
Times New Roman 12, single-spaced, 1” margins minimum. Remember to number every page of the document consecutively. The pagination and content requirements for the group write-ups are listed below in the appropriate order:
Cover sheet: include the name of the assignment, and the student name, Purdue ID number, and section-time.
Maximum of one page. Your case write-up should contain three parts: (1) Your recommendation(s), (2) Supporting the recommendations based on the research results, (3) Pros and cons of the research for taking new product decisions. The title page and appendices do not count toward this 1-page limit