prepare ppt presentation on the following points
1. The question or questions to be answered.
2. Identify the following elements of your study: variables studied, population to which the results of
your study apply, parameters of interest.
3. A brief description of your sampling process, experimental design, or data collection process, as
applicable. Make sure to give the number of observations in each group, or the total number of
observations as applicable.
4. Presentation of relevant graphical and numerical summaries that help you answer the question
posed. What are your findings? (An interpretation of your descriptive statistics)
5. Inferential methods used, and their results. For example, suppose that you are using a Chi-Square
Test to determine if two categorical variables are associated. You would present a data table for
analysis, describe the calculated Chi-Square result, whether the result was statistically significant, and
what your conclusions are from the test.
6. Any comment, or disclaimer, about how trustworthy your results are.
Each group can freely decide how they are going to share the responsibility for the presentation;
however, every group member must participate in the presentation. All group members receive the
same grade for this part of the project.
The presentation will be graded with regard to its organization, clarity, conciseness, the correct usage
of statistical terms, and the handling of questions from the audience