From the documentary website http://www.newdaydigital.com/Sin-Pais-Without-Country.html:
“Sin País attempts to get beyond the partisan politics and mainstream media’s ‘talking point’ approach to immigration issues by exploring one family’s complex and emotional journey involving deportation.
In 1992, Sam and Elida Mejia left Guatemala during a violent civil war and brought their one-year old son, Gilbert, to California. The Mejias settled in the Bay Area and raised their family for the past 17 years–until one morning immigration agents stormed the Mejia’s house, looking for someone who didn’t live there. Sin País begins two weeks before Sam and Elida’s scheduled deportation date.”
This documentary is available to check out through the OSU library (Valley Media 5th Floor, F869.S39 G827 2010).
Do not forget to adhere to the basic extra credit instructions posted on Canvas. Answer the following questions:
1. In your view, what should U.S. policy be for people like Sam and Elida who lack documentation but exemplify model citizenship? Should the law account for any of the following factors, and if so, how:
• their reasons for leaving Guatemala
• the length of time they have been in the United States
• their employment or economic status
• their achievements in the United States
• the fact that they have children who are U.S. citizens
2. Identify one of the family members in the film and describe an experience that she or he had that significantly affected you. Describe how their experience made you feel.
3. A common belief about undocumented individuals living in the U.S. is that they are lazy, freeloading criminals – just ask Donald Trump, right? Did this film illustrate that? How so?
4. If you could ask anyone in the film a single question, who would it be directed to and what would you ask her or him?