This assignment should be a 4-6 page essay (plus any references drawn on), double spaced, Time New Roman, 12 font with 1 inch margins.
Draw from the accumulation of knowledge you have gained through our readings and assignments during this course to provide a discussion and reflection of your own role in facilitating crimes of the powerful.
As you reflect consider how your perspective may or may not have changed given what you have learned.
Provide specific examples of your own role in the facilitation of crimes of the powerful (hint, take a walk through your home, your closet, look in your frige or freezer, etc)
Reflect on how our everyday choices may problematize efforts to control or reduce crimes of the powerful.
Reflect on how the knowledge you have gained from this course has or has not changed your everyday life choices in relation to crimes of the powerful.
Use the below source:Dawn L. Rothe and David Kauzlarich, (2016), Crimes of the Powerful, Routledge Press. It will be uploaded in the downloads.