You have just been hired as the Facility Manager at “American Military/Public University Arena” in Charles Town, West Virginia. The arena seats 65,000 and is used as a multipurpose facility to host events in college and professional basketball, football, and hockey. This is a newly structured arena. As the Facility Manager, you have been asked to develop a Risk Analysis Plan.
1. The project must be original; that is you must be THE author of it and it must not have been used for this or any other course. NOTE: PLAGIARISM WILL NOT BE TOLERATED. Make certain you understand how to properly cite information with APA formatting and understand the ramifications if you don’t.
2. Some type of creativity is required. Photos are required. These must be in color and embedded in the text. If you are not certain how to “wrap the text” around the photos I suggest you learn by researching the Internet and looking up tutorials to accomplish this task.
3. The project will be evaluated for the quality of research on the topic and writing style; in the latter case this means neatness of the paper, organization, and mechanics of writing (which includes spelling).
You need to make certain that all of these are included to receive full points. Failure to include these items will result in a reduction depending on the quality.
I. Title Page
A. Use APA format. See the attachments I have on APA format on the home announcement. It is also a good idea to purchase the latest APA manual and keep for all your studies.
A. Should be very organized and comprehensive
A. Overview of the facility’s operation (approximately 1-2 pages)
1. Brief description of the following:
a. What services are provided?
b. If more than one type of facility exists what facilities are being analyzed (i.e., parking garage)?
c. Who are the stakeholders?
1) Type of personnel and number of spectators/participants
d. How many clients are serviced?
e. Personnel used for risk management
B. Matrix – this is the main part of the analysis. This section will usually include 1-2 pages of matrices the rest explaining the reduction techniques. Photos with appropriate captions are a requisite for this section (approximately 2 – 4 pages).
1. Identify TEN (10) specific risks – these should be either risks you identified as facility manager, or those that you recognize will be there due to your knowledge gleaned from this class. Identify both a financial treatment and a reduction treatment for each risk in your matrix.
2. Your matrix needs classify each risk: severity & frequency (high, medium, low)
3. Use an additional matrix to decide whether to transfer or retain financial risks – indicate how risk will be transferred (i.e. insurance, independent contractor, indemnification clause)
4. Use waivers. Provide at least one your facility uses use. Be sure and cite where it came from.
5. Use key words for reduction of risks (i.e. supervisory plan, inspections, in-service education plan)
6. ANY type of facility will have hundreds of risks associated with it. You are required to cover only 10.
C. Narrative regarding risk reduction procedures. (approximately 3 pages)
1. Personnel management
a. Make sure your facility utilizes miscellaneous personnel policies such as drug testing, anti-smoking.
b. Discuss the facility’s sexual harassment policy. Provide a example of one.
2. Discuss the facility’s emergency procedures. These should be general procedures for dealing with accidental bodily injuries, natural phenomena, and behavioral problems – not specific first aid procedures.
a. Include a sample accident report form. Provide one that is sufficient (give cite).
3. Discuss your crowd management plan this facility has.
D. Compliance with the ADA (approximately 1-2 pages)
1. Complete an ADA Checklist
a. I expect a completed checklist to be included as an Appendix.
IV. CONCLUSION/SUMMARY (approximately 1-2 pages)
A. Need comprehensive conclusion or summary; Not a couple of short paragraphs thrown together.
A. Must be done in correct APA format
A. Any forms used, i.e. inspection checklists, participation agreements, rental agreements, lease agreements, waivers, accident report forms, ADA Checklist etc.
B. The appendixes should be discussed in order; first is Appendix A; then Appendix B etc.
B. Appendixes should be paginated; need a title page for each
A. This paper will be evaluated for thoroughness in identifying risks and planning risk reduction strategies. Error on the side of providing “too much” detail rather than not enough. The final paper should be something you could actually use if you were out in the real world. This is supposed to be a Risk Analysis…..NOT a report about Risk Management OR a report about a sport facility. Make certain you understand the difference!
Level |
Total Points |
(10- pts) – An appropriate written length should be a minimum of 8 typed and double-spaced pages of TEXT (minus appendixes and references). A minimum of 8 pages earns you at most a “C” grade. Failure to provide the requisite number of pages will negatively affect your score. Typed- double spaced- 12 point TIMES font- 1-inch margins all around |
10 |
(10 pts) – There are no specific organization requirements. A detailed table of contents is required. The project will be analyzed for continuity and logical progression. Are there headings dividing the major sections of the paper?
20 |
(15 pts ) – An appropriate title page will be worth 1 point; proper citations will be worth a total of 5 points; an accurate reference page will worth 5 points; miscellaneous APA formatting (i.e, running head, headings, page numbers, and quotations) will be worth 4 points.
35 |
(15 pts) – A paper of the appropriate length (8-13 pages) is not necessarily an “A” paper. The aspects of quality (neatness, spelling, sentence structure) will be valued more than quantity. The paper should not use the first person tense (I, we, etc.). Verbs should be in the past tense where necessary. |
50 |
(50 pts) – You begin with 50 points in this section (10 risks @ 5 points each). For each improper classification I will deduct 1 point; for each incomplete financial treatment I will deduct 1 point; for each incomplete reduction treatment I will deduct 1 point; for a poor analysis of the risk I will deduct 1 point. An adequate ADA section will be worth 5 points and you will receive 5 points for an adequate summary/conclusion. |