Written or Oral Questions
1. Give examples of human resource issues. Why should a human resource
strategy be reviewed? (5 marks)
2. Give examples of the local, state/territory, national and international
human resource networks available for human resource professionals.
(3 marks)
3. Outline different information sources that can be used to gather human
resource data and information. (4 marks)
4. Give examples of research strategies. (2 marks)
5. For one type of research strategy, outline the methods involved. How would
you review the findings from this particular research strategy? (4 marks)
6. What policies and procedures relevant to the organisation may need to be
located when you are reviewing human resource functions? (3 marks)
7. For one policy or procedure that is in place within your own organisation,
consider the strengths and weaknesses associated with it. (4 marks)
8. There are many aspects of different legislation, regulations and standards
that apply to an organisation and its policies and procedures. Give
examples. (5 marks)
9. Outline a sustainability issue that may arise when reviewing human
resource functions. How could you overcome this issue? (4 marks)
10.Outline ethical requirements that can be associated with the human
resource function. (5 marks)
11.Give examples of behaviour that would be associated with working
ethically. (6 marks)
12. What workplace data and information should be gathered in order to review
human resource functions? What technology would be appropriate to do
this? (8 marks)
13.Give examples of the sources of workforce data. (4 marks)
14.Give examples of the key trends or critical information that may be
established once data has been collated and analysed. (4 marks)
15.Give examples of possible areas of change for an organisation. What
barriers may be associated with these changes? (4 ma